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Protective Behaviours (Bridgetown)

3 April, 2025 @ 10:00 am - 2:00 pm AWST

The Protective Behaviour program is aimed at parents and caregivers of children from 0 – 12 years.

Internationally recognised personal safety program aimed at empowering children and parents with strategies to prevent abuse and promote safety, problem solving and resilience including:

  • Asserting their right to feel safe.
  • Learning how to respond to unsafe situations.
  • Recognising ‘early warning signs’ their bodies give them when they may be unsafe.
  • Learning body safety rules and safety strategies.
  • Understanding the difference between safe and unsafe secrets.

Lunch and creche provided (bookings essential).
Facilitated by Sue Riccelli, PCWA.

To book: T: Jenni Oliver – 08 9761 2139 | E: Manager@bridgetownhub.com.au



3 April, 2025
10:00 am - 2:00 pm AWST
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Sue, AnglicareWA
08 9720 9204


Bridgetown Hub
Cnr Roe & Steere Street
Bridgetown, Wester Australia 6255 Australia
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