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Dr Vanessa Lapointe: Fostering Resilience (Perth)

Mon 24 March @ 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm AWST

Resilience is a characteristic that is often talked about as so important for kids, but how do we foster it in children without sending them to the “school of hard knocks’?

Dr. Vanessa will help you figure out how much is too much, and also when you might be doing a child a disservice by overly softening the blows of life. She will share with you how to stay ever focused on growing a child who is hardy, not hardened, and finding the balance along the way.

Book online: https://bit.ly/PCWADRVANESSA

Enquiries: Call 08 9367 0931 | Northwestmetro.PCWA@ngala.com.au


About the Speaker:

Dr. Vanessa Lapointe is a mum, parenting educator, best-selling author, international speaker, and regularly invited media guest.

She is known for bringing a sense of nurturing understanding and humanity to all of her work. Her passion is in walking alongside parents, teachers, care providers, and other big people to really see the world through the child’s eyes. She believes that if we can do this, we are beautifully positioned to grow up our children in the best possible way. 

More information visit: drvanessalapointe.com


Mon 24 March
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm AWST
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Prendiville Catholic College – Ocean Reef
11 Prendiville Ave, Ocean Reef
Perth, Western Australia Australia
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