Parenting Connection WA (PCWA) is a partnership between Anglicare WA and Ngala that was formed in 2017 to support parents and caregivers with the knowledge and skills to build their confidence and help their children thrive. Our programs are funded by the Department of Communities and cover most of Western Australia.
Drawing on Ngala’s 130 years of parenting experience; Anglicare WA’s impressive statewide services and Wanslea’s 75+ years of service to the community, PCWA delivers a range of locally relevant parenting support and education sessions, both online and in-person.
We cover nine regions across the state: Gascoyne, Goldfields Esperance, Great Southern, Kimberley, Midwest, Peel, Perth – North West Metro, South West, and Wheatbelt. Anglicare WA service four regions, Ngala service three regions, with Wanslea sub-contracted to deliver services in the Wheatbelt and Great Southern.